
Scholary Fund

12. December

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Posted: November 15, 2023

Target: All Nationalities,

Award Value: Full Funding,

Host Institution: University of Cambridge, UK.


Updated Yearly

Target: All Nationalities

Host Institution: University of Cambridge, UK.


Updated Yearly

Award Value: Full Funding

Last updated: Nov 15, 2023

Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Full Funding

Host Institution: University of Cambridge, UK.


Updated Yearly

Posted: November 11, 2023

Target: International Students,

Award Value: Fully Funded,

Host Institution: Columbia Law School, USA


Expired 282 days ago

Target: International Students

Host Institution: Columbia Law School, USA


Expired 282 days ago

Award Value: Fully Funded

Last updated: Nov 11, 2023

Target: International Students

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: Columbia Law School, USA


Expired 282 days ago

Posted: November 7, 2023

Target: Domestic & International Students,

Award Value: Varied,

Host Institution: McGill University in Canada


Fall & Winter, Yearly

Target: Domestic & International Students

Host Institution: McGill University in Canada


Fall & Winter, Yearly

Award Value: Varied

Last updated: Nov 7, 2023

Target: Domestic & International Students

Award Value: Varied

Host Institution: McGill University in Canada


Fall & Winter, Yearly

Posted: November 7, 2023

Target: Undergraduates,

Award Value: Annual Funding,

Host Institution: Any Institution, USA


June 1 & December 1, Annually

Last updated: Nov 7, 2023

Target: Undergraduates

Host Institution: Any Institution, USA


June 1 & December 1, Annually

Award Value: Annual Funding

Last updated: Nov 7, 2023

Target: Undergraduates

Award Value: Annual Funding

Host Institution: Any Institution, USA


June 1 & December 1, Annually

Posted: October 23, 2023

Target: Middle East, Africa and Turkey,

Award Value: Up to $5,000 in Prize,

Host Institution: Dell Technologies


November 15

Target: Middle East, Africa and Turkey

Host Institution: Dell Technologies


November 15

Award Value: Up to $5,000 in Prize

Last updated: Oct 23, 2023

Target: Middle East, Africa and Turkey

Award Value: Up to $5,000 in Prize

Host Institution: Dell Technologies


November 15

Posted: October 19, 2023

Target: Canada,

Award Value: Up to $120,000,

Host Institution: Institutions in Canada/Abroad


December Yearly

Target: Canada

Host Institution: Institutions in Canada/Abroad


December Yearly

Award Value: Up to $120,000

Last updated: Oct 19, 2023

Target: Canada

Award Value: Up to $120,000

Host Institution: Institutions in Canada/Abroad


December Yearly

Posted: October 19, 2023

Target: Middle East and North Africa,

Award Value: Full Funding,

Host Institution: American University in Cairo, Egypt


Expired 283 days ago

Target: Middle East and North Africa

Host Institution: American University in Cairo, Egypt


Expired 283 days ago

Award Value: Full Funding

Last updated: Oct 19, 2023

Target: Middle East and North Africa

Award Value: Full Funding

Host Institution: American University in Cairo, Egypt


Expired 283 days ago

Posted: October 11, 2023

Target: African Students,

Award Value: Fully Funded,

Host Institution: University of Cambridge


December & January

Target: African Students

Host Institution: University of Cambridge


December & January

Award Value: Fully Funded

Last updated: Oct 11, 2023

Target: African Students

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of Cambridge


December & January

Posted: October 10, 2023

Target: International Students,

Award Value: Tuition Scholarships,

Host Institution: Amsterdam University of Applied Science in the Netherlands


Two Cycles Yearly

Target: International Students

Host Institution: Amsterdam University of Applied Science in the Netherlands


Two Cycles Yearly

Award Value: Tuition Scholarships

Last updated: Oct 10, 2023

Target: International Students

Award Value: Tuition Scholarships

Host Institution: Amsterdam University of Applied Science in the Netherlands


Two Cycles Yearly

Posted: October 5, 2023

Target: International Students,

Award Value: Fully Funded,

Host Institution: University of British Columbia, Canada


December 1, Yearly

Target: International Students

Host Institution: University of British Columbia, Canada


December 1, Yearly

Award Value: Fully Funded

Last updated: Oct 5, 2023

Target: International Students

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of British Columbia, Canada


December 1, Yearly


Scholary Fund
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