
Scholary Fund

University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program

Last updated: Apr 3, 2024

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Target: Young Africans

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of Pretoria, South Africa


Expired 305 days ago

University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program

Last updated: Apr 3, 2024

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Target: Young Africans

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of Pretoria, South Africa


Expired 305 days ago


University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars ProgramThe University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) is open to full-time postgraduate applicants who have already acquired their bachelor’s degree and are residents or citizens of an African country. This program is fully funded and targeted at academically qualified, yet economically disadvantaged young Africans.  The Application runs until the end of October.

Scholarship Description

The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) targets young Africans who are academically talented but from a disadvantaged economical background. Candidates must be willing to contribute to the transformation of the continent through their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values expressed by their leadership. Community service and internship are essential components of the Program.

The MCFSP offers a full scholarship to selected students who have applied for and have been provisionally admitted to study towards a postgraduate degree at the University of Pretoria (UP). Graduates must return to their home countries upon the completion of their studies and give back to their communities.

See Also: ISN Fellowship Program for Scholars from Developing Countries

Award Benefits

The University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) is fully sponsored to accommodate tuition fees, housing, books, and other learning and living expenses.

Level and Areas of Study

Postgraduate (master’s degree) study in Humanities (Political or International Studies only), Natural, Agricultural, Economic, and Management Sciences Honours, and Master’s degree applications will be accepted in the fields of Engineering (continuing students only).

Place of Study

The scholarship will be taken at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must be citizens of Africa
  • Applicants should come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and demonstrate financial neediness.
  • Candidates should demonstrate leadership potential and ought to be involved in giving back community project.
  • Academic excellence is paramount and students have to maintain a high academic average at all times

Check Also: Obama Foundation Fellowship in the USA

Application Procedure

Interested students who intend to study at the University of Pretoria and wish to apply for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program must follow the following process:

Step 1

Apply online at www.up.ac.za/apply. Alternatively, you can submit a hard copy of your application form.

Step 2

After your application has been submitted, it will be evaluated by members of the relevant faculty who will later inform you if you have been admitted.

Step 3

Once you have been admitted, please contact mcfsp@up.ac.za to commence the process to apply for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program immediately.

Step 4

Successful MasterCard Foundation Scholars should have a passport to enable them to apply for a Visa promptly.

Submission Deadline: April 30.

Website and Application Link


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