
Scholary Fund

IIAS Fellowships for Asian Studies

Last updated: Dec 28, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Funded

Host Institution: Leiden University, IIAS & Partners


March1, Yearly

IIAS Fellowships for Asian Studies

Last updated: Dec 28, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Funded

Host Institution: Leiden University, IIAS & Partners


March1, Yearly

IIAS Fellowships for Asian StudiesThe International Institute for Asian Studies, IIAS invites applications from outstanding scholars to apply for the IIAS Fellowships for Asian Studies for an individual research project in the humanities or social sciences. This is otherwise called the IIAS (and IIAS/FMSH) Fellowships. Indologists may also apply for a Gonda fellowship. The IIAS also supports Professorial Fellowships as part of agreements with Netherlands universities, foreign ministries and funding organisations for the Chair of Taiwan Studies.

Scholarship Description

IIAS Fellowships are open to outstanding Asian and International scholars to apply for a fellowship at IIAS. Applicants may also apply for an extra two months of research at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) in Paris, in the framework of an additional combined IIAS/FMSH fellowship.

The fellowships are intended for researchers who would like to apply for an IIAS Fellowship (with or without an additional research period in Paris). There is no framework of an (exchange) agreement between IIAS and a partner institution. In that case, you will be selected and nominated to IIAS by the partner institution.


The Ministry of Education in Taiwan, the Leiden University Faculty of Humanities and IIAS will sponsor a round-trip airfare ticket (direct flight only), living expenses, accommodation, office facilities, and relevant expenses for one research workshop.

The Professorial Fellow can invite one master’s degree or PhD student affiliated with the Professorial Fellow’s home institution to come to Leiden for a short-term study or exchange visit during the Fellow’s stay in Leiden.

See Also:  IIAS Fellowships For Academic Researchers

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates should consider these criteria before applying to the IIAS Fellowships:

  • The position of affiliated fellow is intended for outstanding researchers from around the world, to work on an important aspect of Asian studies research in the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged.
  • Researchers who would like to work on a collaborative grant proposal or develop their PhD thesis into a book publication can also apply.
  • Research focus: IIAS is an institute that actively promotes innovative research and seeks the interconnection between academic disciplines; hence particularly looking for researchers focusing on the three IIAS clusters ‘Asian Cities’, ‘Asian Heritages’ and ‘Global Asia’. However, some positions will be reserved for outstanding projects in any area outside of those listed.  If this applies to your research proposal, please choose the ‘Open Category’.
  • Applications that link to more than one field are also welcome.

Gonda Fund | IIAS Fellowships

Each year IIAS reserves a number of places for Indologists who have been awarded a fellowship by the J. Gonda Foundation – a foundation of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) that supports the scholarly study of Sanskrit, other Indian languages and literature, and Indian cultural history. These fellowships are intended for promising young Indologists at the post-doctorate level to spend a period of three to six months at IIAS.

In addition to the IIAS fellowships for research at IIAS as described above, the Gonda Fund also covers funding for:

  • a project or publication in Indology by researchers or scientific publishers.
  • PhD student grants for promising PhD students for a special research project, a working visit abroad, or another activity.

Chair of Taiwan Studies

Applications for the Chair of Taiwan Studies at Leiden University and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) are also invited. The Chair provides a Professorial Fellow position of five or ten months in the academic year of for a visiting scholar in Taiwan Studies to teach and conduct research at Leiden University and IIAS, preferably, but not exclusively, in the fields of Critical Heritage Studies, Urban Studies or the study of Global Asia, being the focal areas of IIAS.


  • The position will be open to applicants from all universities and research institutes in Taiwan or elsewhere.
  • Candidates with a full professorial position at their home institution whose research focuses on Taiwan and preferably covers either of the fields mentioned above are welcome to apply.
  • The Chair of Taiwan Studies will teach and conduct research at Leiden University and IIAS.

Also Check:  EuroTech Visiting Researcher Programme (Funded to Europe)

Application Procedure

Your application to the IIAS Fellowships should include the following:

  • Your CV.
  • A research proposal.
  • A syllabus for an advanced BA or MA course

Please also indicate the desired duration of the Professor Fellow position (five or 10 months) in your application.

Applications must:

  • be submitted to the Education Division of the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium at belgium@mail.moe.gov.tw.
  • include proposals for a course at BA or MA level.

Application deadline: 1 March

Website and Application Link

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