The United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship calling for applications. This program is an initiative between the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) partnering to take the Millennium Fellowship to the next level.
The students from this network all over the world participate by convening, challenging, and celebrating undergraduate leadership for the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI principles. Registration is free, and they benefit from the Fellowship supports. Apply as soon as you can!
Fellowship Description
The United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship: UNAI has created a vibrant and diverse network of students, academics, scientists, researchers, think tanks, and institutions of higher education and continuing education as well as educational associations. These institutions serve as incubators of new ideas, inventions and solutions to the many global challenges we face. UNAI provides the integral link to these stakeholders, ensuring the international community harnesses the energy and innovation of young people and the research community in service to humanity.
Also Check: Joint Japan–World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program.
Award Benefits
- Free Registration.
- Fellowship supports from the network of fellows.
Level and Areas of Study
All subjects and disciplines.
Place of Fellowship
At all campuses of the partnering institutions worldwide.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible students for the United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship must be:
- At least 18 years of age.
- Ready to Convene at least 8 times during the program.
- Ready to Develop a plan of action for your sessions together; meet to exchange best practices; and you could think bigger: organizing a campus-wide sustainability initiative or more.
Recommended: United Nations Graduate Study Programme in Switzerland
Application Procedure
To be able to participate in the United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship:
- Apply (as soon as you can) to become a Millenium Fellow.
- Convene, Challenge and Celebrate.
- Join the Millenium Fellows Alumni Community.