
Scholary Fund

Africa Digital Energy Challenge Awards

Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Not Specified

Host Institution: Digital Energy Facility


Expired 162 days ago

Africa Digital Energy Challenge Awards

Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Not Specified

Host Institution: Digital Energy Facility


Expired 162 days ago


Africa Digital Energy Challenge AwardsThe Africa Digital Energy Challenge Awards invites applications from Start-ups and Public Utilities in Africa that are digitally innovative. The Programme, facilitated by the Digital Energy Facility (implemented by the AFD) and co-financed by the European Union, with the participation of ADEME, aims at contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy, and to support the digitization and modernization of the energy sector.

Award Descriptions

The Digital Energy Facility launched the Digital Energy Challenge in 2021, for a duration of four years, with an annual Call for Projects. The objective of the Challenge is to support the development of innovative solutions for energy access, the integration of renewable energy, and public utility performance improvement.

The 2024 Call for Projects targets projects based in Africa and owned by:

  • Start-ups in the pre-seed phase or with early-stage activities. NGOs can apply under the Start-up category.
  • Public utilities (public power utilities and public Independent System Operators, power pools, regional organisations, energy regulators, and rural electrification authorities) in partnership with technology/service providers.

See Also: E4D Continuing Education Scholarships

Eligibility Criteria

Projects must have a core element of digital technology (telecom, computer, or cloud-based). They must be innovative, either intrinsically or in relation to the local market or country. Finally, projects must be local with project management activities in the country where the project is based.

Each year the Africa Digital Energy Challenge will award 2 to 3 utility and technology/service provider partnership projects and 5 to 8 start-up projects. An annual budget from the European Union of €2 M will enable grant-based funding, technical assistance, and strategic guidance.

  • Launch of the Call for Projects: 4th March 2024
  • Information webinar: 19th March 2024.
  • Deadline for submission: 15th May, 2024.

Check Also: Education for Sustainable Energy Development (ESED) Scholarship

Application Procedures

Please visit the official application page and read all the eligibility criteria for each category before you apply.

Website and Application Link


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