
Scholary Fund

Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships ($5,000)

Last updated: Oct 27, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: $5,000


Updated Yearly

Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships ($5,000)

Last updated: Oct 27, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: $5,000


Updated Yearly


Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships ($5,000)The Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships program is open to artists across all disciplines, and from anywhere in the world who have a demonstrated interest in Armenian culture. The fellows will be provide with $5,000 for support. Interested candidates should send forward their applications before the deadline.

Fellowship Details

The Creative Armenia Fellowship, now in its fifth year, is a full-packaged program which provides a year-long support that includes funding, mentorships, industry connections, and promotion for innovative artists of Armenian origin (or international artists who have a demonstrated interest in Armenian culture). The program seeks to cultivate creators on the front lines of Armenia’s cultural future.

Check Also: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students and Artists (Fully Funded)

Program Benefits

  • Funding: Receive 5,000 USD final funding for empowerment of creative ideas, realization of ambitious projects, and bringing of vision to life.
  • Mentorships: Get connected with globally renowned and award-winning mentors and accelerate your artistic careers
  • Self-promotion: Increase your reach and visibility through Creative Armenia AGBU’s worldwide networks.

Level and Areas of Study

Creative Armenia Fellowship is a program for artists across all disciplines.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships program:

  • You can apply from anywhere in the World.
  • There is no age restriction.
  • Applications from and about Artsakh are highly encouraged.
  • Candidates must be willing to attend mandatory meetings online, although optional events will be ongoing in Yerevan.

See Also: Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grants for Artists

Application Procedure

Before you begin your submission at the Typeform portal, please make sure to have the following materials in PDF format.

  • A single PDF document that contains the following:

    • Your artistic biography, including your creative work and career so far.

    • Your current creative project(s), including why it is important, and the expected timeline for its completion.

    • Your career vision and what you hope to gain from the 2023 Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships.

The word limit per question is 400 words. Brevity is encouraged.

The single PDF document should include your name and surname at the top and be written in English or Armenian. 

  • CV and other relevant materials such as portfolio or reel, as applicable. 

  • If the project you plan to work on during your Fellowship year is Artsakh-related, please elaborate on its connection to Artsakh. Maximum word count for the question is 150 words.

  • A high-resolution headshot in 8” x 10” (W x H) and PNG or JPG format. The size limit is 10MB. 

Submission Deadline: November 15.

Website and Application Link


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