
Scholary Fund

The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with Impact

Last updated: Oct 4, 2022

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Up to €50,000

Host Institution: Enabel


June 12

The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with Impact

Last updated: Oct 4, 2022

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Up to €50,000

Host Institution: Enabel


June 12

The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with ImpactThe Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with impact is a prize organized for women entrepreneurs who have made an impact on their local communities where they do their business.

The Awa Prize is a competition organised by Enabel which highlights women entrepreneurs from Belgian development cooperation countries and their projects. The star Final prize is up to €50,000.

Prize Description

The Awa Prize celebrates the work of women who have a positive impact on their communities through their businesses. Each year, 12 entrepreneurs from the Belgian Development Cooperation are awarded a prize. There are 1 prize, 4 categories, and 12 winners from the following categories: Start-up, Scale-up, Innovation and Prix du public.

In each category, three entrepreneurs will be highlighted and will receive the first, second, and third prizes respectively.

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Prize and Benefits

The first prize receives:

  • Up to €50,000
  • Spent to support/coaching, based on your company’s needs.
  • One week in Belgium
  • To meet entrepreneurship circles and inspire one another.

The second prize:

  • Up to €10,000
  • Spent to support/coaching, based on your company’s needs.

The third prize:

  • Up to €5,000
  • Spent to support/coaching, based on your company’s needs.

The Awa Prize is a contest that sheds light on businesses and the women who lead them. But beyond this competition, the Awa Prize aims at federating a community of entrepreneurs around shared values, in order to fight against socio-economic inequalities.

Through the Awa Prize, many events will be organised at the local and international levels in order to raise awareness for men and women about the opportunities that women’s entrepreneurship can create. These events will enable progress on actions that can be developed to remove the persistent obstacles.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for the Awa Prize, you must:

  • Be a woman from these Participating countries for the 2024 edition: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRC, Guinea, Jordan, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda.
  • An Entrepreneur

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Application Procedure

Check up on the complete rules of the competition before applying using the Apply tab on the official application portal.

Registration Deadline: June 12.

Website and Application Link

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