
Scholary Fund

Community Impact

USADF Community Development Institutions Program - Zambia

USADF Community Development Institutions Program – Africa

The USADF Community Development Institutions Program – Africa is now open for applications. USADF is requesting applications from organizations seeking to build their capacity in community development, and that have the expertise and experience to provide technical assistance and project management support to grassroot groups and small and medium sized enterprises that are applying for […]

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The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with Impact

The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with Impact

The Awa Prize for African Entrepreneurs with impact is a prize organized for women entrepreneurs who have made an impact on their local communities where they do their business. The Awa Prize is a competition organised by Enabel which highlights women entrepreneurs from Belgian development cooperation countries and their projects. The star Final prize is

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Scholary Fund
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