
Scholary Fund

Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards, Canada

Last updated: Nov 28, 2023

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Various

Host Institution: Saint Mary’s University, Canada


Expired 349 days ago

Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards, Canada

Last updated: Nov 28, 2023

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Various

Host Institution: Saint Mary’s University, Canada


Expired 349 days ago


Saint Mary's University Entrance Awards, CanadaSaint Mary’s University Entrance Awards is set up to reward academic excellence with over $8.9 million funds from different foundations dedicated to student scholarships, fellowships and bursaries annually. There are a number of programs grouped under the Renewable Entrance scholarships and the Named Entrance Awards that reward entering students for their academic strength or help those with financial need yearly. Students must be admitted and registered in a program at the University to qualify for these award

Scholarship Descriptions

There are two major sets of Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards made available at Saint Mary’s University for students from different foundations – Renewable Entrance Scholarships are automatically awarded while Named Entrance Awards require applications.

Renewable Entrance Scholarships: Students accepted by Saint Mary’s University for undergraduate studies with an admission average of 80% or higher will be automatically considered for Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards: Renewable Entrance Scholarships, provided they apply and are admitted to the university by March 1st. Scholarships may be awarded after March 1st as funds permit. 

Named Entrance Awards: In addition to the Renewable Entrance Scholarships described above, Saint Mary’s offers a number of Named Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. There are hundreds of awards that have been established with the support of alumni, staff, community members, and businesses. These awards require a separate application and supporting documents. Named Entrance Awards can only be applied for after you are accepted for admission. These scholarships include the Presidential and Santamarian scholarships, and they all have different eligibility criteria, such as community involvement, extracurricular activities, academic achievement, or financial need.

#1 Presidential/Presidential International Baccalaureate/Santamarian Scholarships

Domestic and international high school applicants with an admission average of 95% or higher, or an IB result of 36+ can apply for this scholarship.

#2 Sobey National Innovator Scholarships for Bachelor of Commerce Students

10 renewable entrance awards valued at $50,000 over 4 years are awarded annually. These scholarships will be presented to exceptional students from across Canada in recognition of their accomplishments, and as encouragement and support for their success in the Sobey School of Business.

See Also:  Listed Entrance Scholarships in Canada

Other Saint Mary’s Entrance Awards Requiring A Separate Application

#1 Harrison McCain Scholarship/Bursary:

This scholarship is open to any high school student in Canada, with preference given to Canadian citizens and/or permanent residents. The criteria for the awards include a minimum 80% average in their senior year of high school, financial need, have leadership qualities and a recognized initiative in funding their own education.

#2 Techsploration Science Award:

Techsploration award of Saint Mary’s University is a renewable $2,000 scholarship targeted to young women pursuing a Science Degree. Applicants may include both Techsplorer Alumnae as well as other female Grade Twelve graduates of participating Nova Scotia Techsploration schools.

#3 The Bahamas Ministry of Education / Saint Mary’s University Scholarship:

Saint Mary’s University is partnering with the Bahamas Ministry of Education on this scholarship.
The objective of this award is to provide an opportunity for a public-school student in the Bahamas that might otherwise not have an opportunity to complete a university degree. The eligible students must clearly demonstrate financial need and academic merit.

#4 David Wang Scholarship:

Saint Mary’s University partners with Mr. David Wang in providing eight scholarships per year to academically talented Chinese students enrolled in a Canadian curriculum high school in China.

Level and Area of Studies

Undergraduate degree in any available field.

Place of study

At Saint Mary’s University in Canada.

Eligibility and Requirement

Generally, eligible candidates for the Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards, Canada, must:

  • be pursuing an undergraduate degree at Saint Mary’s University.
  • meet the requisite admission to their program of choice and the specific requirements for any of the awards, and applied for as necessary.
  • be accepted to Saint Mary’s University by March 1st. 

Also Check:  Top Paid Scholarships in Canada for International Students

Application Procedures

To apply for any of the Saint Mary’s University Entrance Awards in Canada, use the application link below to check the choice program eligibility and other qualifying details before you apply. The application for Named Entrance Awards is now open. There is a strict deadline of March 1st for applications and all supporting documents.

Website and Application Link


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