
Scholary Fund

MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship, Ireland

Last updated: Jan 11, 2023

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: 50% Tuition Fee

Host Institution: UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School


Expired 288 days ago

MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship, Ireland

Last updated: Jan 11, 2023

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: 50% Tuition Fee

Host Institution: UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School


Expired 288 days ago


MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship, IrelandThe UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is inviting applications for the MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship Program. Both Irish and international students are welcome to apply. He or she must hold an admission of the full-time MBA Programme at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. The winning students will receive benefit of 50% tuition fees reduction.

Scholarship Description

These scholarships are awarded to academically exceptional students who will be ambassadors for the MBA Programme and the School during their studies and after graduation. The MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship is a 50% Scholarship for the full-time MBA.

Award Value

Those who are selected will be granted 50% tuition fee discount.

See Also:  UCC PhD Excellence Scholarships in Ireland

Level and Area of Studies

Full-time Master of Business Administration.

Place of Study

The study will be taken in the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland.

Eligibility and Criteria

The MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship is open to all applicants and will be awarded to the candidate who best exemplifies creativity in business. All scholarship applicants must already have been admitted to (have applied for, been interviewed and offered a place on) the full-time MBA Programme before they can be considered for the above scholarship.

Applicants’ Nationality

Applicants can be Irish residents or international applicants.

Also Check:  United Nations Graduate Study Programme in Switzerland

Application Procedure

To apply for the MBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship, applicants must submit a two page document outlining a business idea under the following headings: Opportunity, People, Route to Market, Financial Planning, PEST Analysis and Summary.

Submission Deadline
30th April every year.

Website and Application Link


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