
Scholary Fund

INISA Student Grant for Southern Africans

Last updated: Jul 21, 2022

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Target: South Africans

Award Value: Tuition Scholarships

Host Institution: HEIs in Germany


July 31

INISA Student Grant for Southern Africans

Last updated: Jul 21, 2022

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Target: South Africans

Award Value: Tuition Scholarships

Host Institution: HEIs in Germany


July 31

INISA Student Grants for Southern AfricansThe INISA Student Grant for Southern Africans is available for students in undergraduate studies from Universities and other tertiary education institutions in the SADC region. The INISA grant covers 75% of tuition fees and related costs (e.g. books and other study material; residence fees etc.) for the academic year up to a maximum amount of Euro 3,000 (or the equivalent in local currency). Application for this opportunity closes after July.

Check Also: Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund ($20,000 in grants)

Grant Description

The INISA Student Grant for Southern Africans: Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) is a German Non-Governmental Organisation founded in 1995. Our mission is to inform the German public on political, economical, social and cultural developments in Southern Africa to create interest, deepen understanding and enhance contacts and exchange between Germany and Southern Africa. We are entirely independent and non-partisan, funded through membership fees and donations. Our members are country-experts, researchers, students and interested lay persons from both Germany and Africa who all share a common interest in Southern African affairs.

Award Benefits

The INISA grant covers 75% of tuition fees and related costs (e.g. books and other study material; residence fees etc.) for the academic year of 2024 up to a maximum amount of 3000 Euros (or the equivalent in local currency).

Eligibility Criteria

The applicants for the INISA Student Grant should:

  • hold the nationality of one of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries;
  • study full-time at a University or other tertiary education institution in one of the SADC countries;
  • be in the second or third year of his or her undergraduate studies, i.e. s/he has successfully completed at least one year of studies and has successfully re-registered for further courses in the next academic year. Please note: the INISA Student Grant is not applicable to postgraduate studies such as Honours, Masters or PhD programs.

The grant is open to students of all subjects but particularly encouraged are applications by science, engineering, economics and medical students.

See Also: Ireland-Africa Fellows Programme (Fully Funded)

Application Procedure

To apply, please visit the official application page using the below link – website and application link. Look for “INISA Student Grant 2024” and fill in the electronic application form. Besides personal details, you will be required to provide the following information:

  • a detailed CV (doc, docx or pdf; max. size 800 KB).
  • a photo of you (gif or jpg; max. size 1 MB).
  • a letter of motivation (500-1500 words; doc, docx or pdf; max. size 800 KB). This document will form the main criterion for your possible selection.
  • names and contact details of two persons (non-family members) who support the application and can provide more information about you.
  • information on additional funding (grants, scholarships, tuition fees waivers, etc) from public or private sources.

The application submission deadline for this grant is on 31st July.

Website and Application Link

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