
Scholary Fund

Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UK

Last updated: Dec 11, 2023

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Target: African Students

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: SOAS University of London, UK


Expired 334 days ago

Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UK

Last updated: Dec 11, 2023

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Target: African Students

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: SOAS University of London, UK


Expired 334 days ago


Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UKApplications for the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UK are now invited. The scholarship is funded by Mo Ibrahim Foundation, and focused in the areas of state capacities, governance and bureaucracy for development. The best winners will be selected to receive the funds.

Only PhD studentships from African countries are welcome to apply for these scholarships, who must have secured their admissions with SOAS University, UK.

Scholarship Description

The Centre of African Studies offers through the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UK, PhD scholarships to African nationals as part of the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative funded by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Applications are invited for PhD studentships focused on the area of state capacities, governance and bureaucracy for development.

Award Value

The GDAI – PhD Scholarship Program in UK provides for fees for three years and an annual bursary of £16,000 per year. The scholarship also covers visa costs, HIS and TB (if undertaken), provided receipts are submitted to the Centre of African Studies office.

See Also:  Africa Initiative For Governance (AIG) Scholarships At University Of Oxford

Level and Area of Studies

PhD program in Development Studies, Law, Economics, International Relations/Politics, CISD (Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy), DEFIMS (Department for Financial and Management Studies), Distance Learning: CEFIMS(Centre for Financial and Management Studies), DEFIMS

Place of Study

The study will be taken at SOAS University of London in the United Kingdom.

Eligibility and Criteria

To be eligible to apply for the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships in UK:

  • Applicants must be domiciled (or permanent residents) in an African country.
  • Preference will be given to scholarship candidates living in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Eligible Programmes: Ph.D. Programme (full-time) research undertaken by scholarship applicants must directly address or be applicable to the issue of Governance in Africa.

Applicants Nationality

The citizens of African countries are invited to apply.

Also Check:  DAAD EPOS Scholarships For Development-Related Postgraduate Courses

Application Procedure

To apply for the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative PhD Scholarships, send your unconditional offer of admission, research proposal, CV, and one reference to:

Angelica Baschiera, Coordinator, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Governance for Development in Africa Initiative.

Please check the official application page foe updated and accurate details before you apply.

Submission Deadline

31 March every year.

Website and Application Link


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