
Scholary Fund

AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award

Last updated: Dec 12, 2023

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Target: Cancer Researchers

Award Value: Up to US$25,000

Host Institution: AAAS


Expired 266 days ago

AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award

Last updated: Dec 12, 2023

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Target: Cancer Researchers

Award Value: Up to US$25,000

Host Institution: AAAS


Expired 266 days ago


AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer ResearchThe American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) invites applications for the Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award. This annual programme awards any researcher who has made a mark in the field of cancer research. All applicants must have performed research during the previous 10 years.

Scholarship Description

AAAS and Science Translational Medicine invite applications for the AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award. This annual award, funded by an endowment established through a generous bequest from Martin L. Wachtel, honors early-career investigators who have performed outstanding work in the field of cancer research. Entrants must have received their Ph.D. or M.D. within the last 10 years (in 2013 or later).

Award Value

The award winner(s) will be invited to deliver a public lecture on their research and receive a cash award of about US$25,000. The award-winning Essay(s) will be published in Science Translational Medicine.

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Level and Area of Studies

Research on the theme of Cancer.

Place of Study

Not specified.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award:

  • Each entrant must be a researcher in the field of cancer, with an advanced degree (Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M.) received within the last 10 years. If the applicant has more than one advanced degree, the 10 years are counted from the date that all degrees were completed in the case of uninterrupted training, such as a dual degree M.D.-Ph.D. program. However, if the applicant completed one degree, left to do research or other activities (including residency or fellowship), and then returned to study for an additional degree, the 10 years are counted from the time of completion of the first advanced degree. Residency, fellowship, or postdoctoral training do not extend the timeline.
  • The research must have been performed during the previous 10 years.
  • The entrant must have performed or personally directed the work described in the Essay.
  • Employees and affiliates of AAAS and their relatives are not eligible for the prize.
  • Applicants who did not win are welcome to reapply as long as they are otherwise eligible for the award. Previous winners and honorable mentions are not eligible to apply again.

Applicants Nationality

There is no nationality restriction.

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Application Procedure

Please refer to the official application site using the Link below for all all information on how to apply to the

Submission Deadline

February 1, every year.

Website and Application Link


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