
Scholary Fund

Search Results for: Glasgow

Posted: December 18, 2023

Target: International Students,

Award Value: £10,000 tuition discount,

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, Scotland


Expired 161 days ago

Target: International Students

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, Scotland


Expired 161 days ago

Award Value: £10,000 tuition discount

Last updated: Dec 18, 2023

Target: International Students

Award Value: £10,000 tuition discount

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, Scotland


Expired 161 days ago

Posted: January 17, 2024

Target: International Students,

Award Value: Up to £10,000,

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, UK


Automatic on Admissions

Last updated: Jan 17, 2024

Target: International Students

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, UK


Automatic on Admissions

Award Value: Up to £10,000

Last updated: Jan 17, 2024

Target: International Students

Award Value: Up to £10,000

Host Institution: University of Glasgow, UK


Automatic on Admissions

Posted: November 13, 2023

Target: International Students,

Award Value: Up to CHF 15’000/year,

Host Institution: University of Geneva, Switzerland.


Expired 193 days ago

Target: International Students

Host Institution: University of Geneva, Switzerland.


Expired 193 days ago

Award Value: Up to CHF 15’000/year

Last updated: Nov 13, 2023

Target: International Students

Award Value: Up to CHF 15’000/year

Host Institution: University of Geneva, Switzerland.


Expired 193 days ago
Scholary Fund
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