
Scholary Fund

Eric Bleumink Fund for Master’s Awards at the University of Groningen

Last updated: Jul 9, 2024

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Target: Developing Countries

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of Groningen, Netherlands


On Nomination

Eric Bleumink Fund for Master’s Awards at the University of Groningen

Last updated: Jul 9, 2024

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Target: Developing Countries

Award Value: Fully Funded

Host Institution: University of Groningen, Netherlands


On Nomination


Eric Bleumink Fund for Master's AwardsThe University of Groningen in Netherlands is offering the Eric Bleumink Fund for Master’s Awards to talented students from developing countries to enable them further develop as individuals and also make important contributions to the development of their own countries.

The award covers Tuition, and other costs, and it is payable for 1 or 2 years Master’s degree programme in the University of Groningen.

Scholarship Description

The Eric Bleumink Fund for Master’s Awards at the University of Groningen is awarded for a one- or two-year Master’s Degree programme to a select few from a considerable number of students who apply for this scholarship each year. The University can issue only a limited number of grants.

Award Benefits

This grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance.

Place of Studies

The University of Groningen, Netherlands.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible candidates for the Eric Bleumink Fund should:

  1. Have received provisional or unconditional admission for a master programme before February.
  2. Have excellent academic performance, preferably to be confirmed by letters of recommendation.
  3. Have excellent grades during their bachelor/undergraduate studies.
  4. Have excellent English language proficiency, in accordance with the admission requirements of the program of choice.
  5. Be available for the whole period of the programme and be able to take part in the entire programme.
  6. Be in good health, possessing a Health insurance.
  7. Have no other means of financing the study in question

Applicants Nationality

Candidates countries of origin are listed in the application site.

Application Procedure

The University of Groningen Admission Office, in consultation with the Admission Boards of its faculties, determines which applicants will be nominated for the award.

Only applicants who have received a provisional or unconditional admission offer for a master’s programme before February can thus be considered.

Website and Application Link


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Scholary Fund
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