
Scholary Fund

Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program in USA (Fully Funded)

Last updated: Sep 2, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Up to $65,000

Host Institution: Smithsonian Institute


Updated Yearly

Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program in USA (Fully Funded)

Last updated: Sep 2, 2022

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Target: All Nationalities

Award Value: Up to $65,000

Host Institution: Smithsonian Institute


Updated Yearly

Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program in USAThe Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program in USA calls for applications from suitably qualified students around the World who wish to conduct an independent research or study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities, and/or research interests of the Institution and its staff. Each fellow stands to receive a sum up to $60,000 yearly stipend and research allowance of $5,000. Application for this offer is ongoing.

Fellowship Details

Smithsonian Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, postdoctoral and senior researchers to conduct independent research and to utilize the resources of the Institution with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff serving as advisors and hosts.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program offers fellowships for research and study in the following fields and encourages applications of an interdisciplinary nature:

Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science; Anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.

Check Also: Radcliffe Institute Fellowship at Harvard University, U.S.A.

Award Value

  • Senior and Postdoctoral: Stipend of $55,000 per year and research allowance up to $5,ooo
    • Earth and Planetary Sciences – Stipend $60,000 per year and research allowance up to $5,000
  • Predoctoral: Stipend of $42,000 per year and research allowance up to $5,000
  • Ten-Week Graduate Student: Stipend of $8,000

Level and Areas of Study

The fellowship opportunity is for Graduates, Predoctoral students, Postdoctoral and Senior researchers in diverse fields.

Place of Study

The fellowship will be held at the Smithsonian Institute in USA.

Eligibility Criteria

Determination of the fellowship category for which to apply should be based on the anticipated academic level at the time the fellowship would begin:

  • Senior Fellowships – Applicants must have held a PhD or equivalent for at least 7 years. Applicants who have received the PhD or equivalent before November 1, 2014 are eligible to apply for senior fellowships.*
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships – for scholars up to seven years beyond the PhD*
  • Predoctoral Fellowships – for doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation research. Students enrolled in a university as candidates for the PhD or equivalent are eligible for predoctoral fellowships. By the time the appointment begins, the university must approve the undertaking of dissertation research at the Smithsonian Institution and certify that requirements for the doctorate, other than the dissertation, have been met.
  • Ten-Week Graduate Student Fellowships – for graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a PhD program. When they apply, students must be formally enrolled in a graduate program of study at a degree-granting institution and must have completed at least one full-time semester or its equivalent.

* If you have taken a “leave of absence” from research and wish to apply under the postdoctoral fellowship application instead of senior fellowship application which makes you 7 or more years out from receiving your PhD, please provide a justification in the additional information section at the end of the application.

See Also: Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme of Nordic Africa Institute

Application Procedure

Interested and eligible researchers should apply online through the Smithsonian Online Academic Appointment (SOLAA) system.

Submission Deadline: November 1.

Website and Application Link

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