
Scholary Fund

Aix-Marseille Tiger Master’s Excellence Scholarships, France

Last updated: Nov 14, 2023

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Target: International Students

Award Value: Up to €10,000/year, Accommodation

Host Institution: Aix-Marseille University, France


Admission Based

Aix-Marseille Tiger Master’s Excellence Scholarships, France

Last updated: Nov 14, 2023

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Target: International Students

Award Value: Up to €10,000/year, Accommodation

Host Institution: Aix-Marseille University, France


Admission Based

The TIGER Master’s Excellence Scholarships are now open for applications, to be automatically awarded under selection by Aix-Marseille University to Master’s level students enrolled in one of the 16 selected programs from the beginning of each academic year. The TIGER scholarship awardees will receive financial support, accommodation and a personalized welcome. Aix-Marseille University will finance you up to €10,000 for one academic year.

Scholarship Description

The TIGER Master’s Excellence Scholarships of Aix-Marseille University is an international mobility and welcome program for international students as a pillar of the university’s internationalisation policy. The University has therefore set up a unique scholarship system to finance excellent students wishing to enroll at the university. From the beginning of the new academic year, 16 master’s programs will be able to award these scholarships to their best international candidates.

Within the framework of the TIGER project (Transforming and Innovating in Graduate Education via Research) financed by the French government’s Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir, Aix-Marseille Université has set up a number of measures to further increase its internationalisation. It has chosen its institutes, the true expression of the university’s interdisciplinary dimension, to anchor these new measures. The programs will combine teaching, innovation and high-level research.

Award Value

Funding up to €10,000 per year, accommodation and special welcome.

Level and Areas Study

Master’s in the listed programs.

Place of Study

Aix-Marseille Université, France.

Areas of Scholarship Coverage

The TIGER Master’s Excellence Scholarships of Aix-Marseille University covers the following areas:

In Science:

  • Master in Microbiology, Integrative and Fundamental Microbiology track
  • Master of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Nanoscale and quantum engineering (NQE) / Nano-ingénierie et dispositifs quantiques (NDQ) track
  • Master of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (co-accredited with the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne – Campus de Gardanne), Chemical Nano-Engineering (CNE) track (ErasmusMundus)
  • Master of Physics, Europhotonics (ErasmusMundus)
  • Master of Physics, FunPhys
  • Master of Mechanics, Fluids and Solids
  • Master of Mathematics and Applications – Computer Science, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics track
  • Master of Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP)

In Medical and paramedical sciences:

  • Master of Public Health, Quantitative and Econometric Methods for Health Research (MQERS)
  • Master of Public Health Societies Development (SPSD)

In Arts, Letters, Languages and Human Sciences:

  • Master’s degree in Archaeology, sciences for archaeology, Momarch course
  • Master’s degree in geography, planning, environment and development: Geomatics and spatial modeling

In Sciences of the Universe and the Environment:

  • Master’s degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE), Biodiversity: functions and conservation course
  • Master’s degree in Environmental Management, MAEVA course – Management of the Environment, Valuation and Analysis
  • Master’s degree in Marine Sciences, course in Biological Oceanography and Marine Ecology (OBEM)
  • Master’s degree in Marine Sciences, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography (OPB)

Eligibility Criteria

All international Students enrolled in the listed 16 Aix-Marseille Tiger Master’s Excellence Scholarships, France are eligible.

Application Procedure

How To Apply: Take these steps to apply for the Tiger Master’s Excellence Scholarships, France:

  • Step 1: Choose a master’s programme from among the eligible courses.
  • Step 2: Submit your application for the programme of your choice (via the appropriate platform according to your personal situation).
  • Step 3: The masters’ directors study the applications and select those who will be awarded the scholarship.
  • Step 4: You receive your letter of admission to the master.
  • Step 5: Shortly afterwards, you will be informed if you have been granted the TIGER Master’s Excellence Scholarship.

N/B: There is no need for students to take any additional steps: only the application file requested by each master must be submitted via the appropriate application platform.

Website and Application Link

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