
Scholary Fund

Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowship (Up to £40,000)

Last updated: Jul 21, 2022

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Funding Available

Host Institution: Institutions in Africa


September 22

Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowship (Up to £40,000)

Last updated: Jul 21, 2022

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Target: Africa

Award Value: Funding Available

Host Institution: Institutions in Africa


September 22

Africa Research Fund FellowshipThe Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowship Programme is now launched for African students and/or graduates in the medical field of study who wish to develop their research in Science. The participants in the Research Development Programme will benefit a three to nine-month placement at a leading research institute in the UK, Europe, or Africa, with additional support in their home institution before and after the placement. Up to £40,000 is available.

Program Description

The aim of the Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme is to support researchers in Africa who are emerging leaders and working on important challenges for human health, to develop their skills as a researcher. Successful Fellowships can start between June and no later than December.

See Also: Community Solution Fellowship of IREX for Developing Countries, USA

Award Benefits

The AREF Development Programme supports the fellows with the following:

  • Accommodation
  • Travel expenses
  • Training costs
  • Stipends

Level and Area of Study

The Fellowship Programme is for students or graduates in the medical and clinical profession.

Eligibility Criteria

The Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowship is applicable to research active post-doctoral scientists and clinicians with higher qualifications who are nationals of and employed in Sub-Saharan Africa (see the official website for detailed eligibility criteria).

Check Also: Medical Student Research Fellowship in  Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, USA

Application Procedure

It is essential that you discuss your plans for an AREF Fellowship in the context of your career development with appropriate leaders within your Employing Organisation and Host Organisation at an early stage. You need your sponsors and other senior people to agree and support your plans.

Read the guidance documents carefully before developing your proposal and starting your application. Complete the application forms and upload the forms with supporting documents (using the document upload section in PART A of the application form). Applicants can only submit one application per call.

Application Forms: 

Applicants must complete and submit the following:

  • Application Form PART A Summary Information (online form) 
  • Application Form Parts B-F 
  • Part G of the application form (The Signature Sheet)  
  • A letter of support from the Host Sponsor  
  • A letter of support from the Employing Sponsor  
  • Two chosen publications to demonstrate the applicant’s career history. 
  • An electronic copy of the applicant’s most recently attained degree certificate, usually the PhD certificate. 

Submission Deadline: The Fellowship Scheme is open for applications until 22nd September.

Website and Application Link

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